Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Recovery & Planning!

Bouncing back!  Here are some updates:

1.  Corey got a job as a Department Supervisor for Home Depot and his using his new handy skills to prep the nursery.  Before you know it he will be "Tool Time Tice" (with the flannel shirt and all)!  He worked so hard to convert our former computer/office into a nursery, painted the walls a smoothing olive green, and even added a fan that worked on the FIRST try without eletrocuting himself! :)  I had already found some wooden letters and painted them black to post above the crib spelling her name *Aria*.

2.  I have officially entered my 3rd trimester (due May 14th) and am doing just fine with the occasional discomforts like not being able to sleep longer than 4 hours a night.  I'm in my last semester of regular class and am due during FINALS week (eek!) and if all goes well I plan on taking the summer off to spend time with my newborn and starting rotations a *little* late in the fall.  I've been debating this back and forth but I know babies grow up so fast and I don't want to miss out on it!

3.  My buds Chris, Julie, Brad & Brook came down at the end of January to help me register at Babies "R" Us and Target and also came over to display a cherry blossom wall stick-on I got online on Ebay so I will be sticking with the theme colors of olive green, dark brown, and a splash of pink.  Chris is into cake decorating and even created a practice theme cake using those colors and had a delicious white cake with buttercream frosting inside.  She's so talented and I can't wait to see what she makes for the shower! 

4.  I bought some scrapbooking materials to create some baby shower invites to represent my theme.  I am also setting up an evite so people can RSVP a little easier.  The baby shower is set for Sunday, March 13th from 2-5pm at my friend Julie's house with my sister co-hosting.  Chris plans to have some sweet treats and my sister Heather is getting the some fun shower games together so it should be a blast!  It will be GREAT to get to see everyone... I set the shower for my spring break so I don't have to stress about school.  I never get to go out much anymore with work and school so I really hope to see you all there!
~ Pam

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2010

Time to wrap up the disaster that 2010 was and to start anew with 2011 which promises to be MUCH better (with a bit of luck or at least some good karma).

Highlights of our blah 2010 year:

1.  Corey lost his job of 7 years as a retail manager without a so much as a thank you from THE MAN over all the tears and sweat (and many hours).  Tossed aside like a used tissue (I could go waaayyy worse here but I was thinking about tissues while recovering from the flu).  Mind you with me being in school finances are >SUPERTIGHT< and then with all the stress I get a surprise of a pregnancy which is great but puts us in a bit of a financial predicament.  Can't win for losing I suppose.

2.  We lost some dear friends and great musicians in tragic unforeseen events.

3.  I could go into my whole school issues in another blog but I suppose I will leave it at that.

The positives of the outcome of last year was the good fortune of a smooth 1st trimester pregnancy with no morning sickness and am working by way currently through my 20th week to discover this week that we will be having a baby girl in May (due date set for May 14th).

My New Year's Resolution is to pass my classes and hopefully hold this baby in until AFTER finals and then to make sure all the baby nesting duties are taken care of *BEFORE* she is born.  Sounds simple enough, right?